Celebrating Claude Levesque's, Damien Roy's and Michel Waldschmidt's birthdays
Joint with the sixth mini symposium of the Roman Number Theory Association
May 16-21, 2022, Marina di San Gregorio, Patù (Lecce), Italy


Afternoon tentative activities

As in the first Leuca conference we are planning a few afternoon activities, below a preliminary list and schedule, with tentative prices. (click on the pictures to enlarge them)

DayWhere WhenHow much
Monday Sentiero delle cipolliane 15:00-18:30 10 Eur
Tuesday Otranto e cave di bauxite 15:00-19::30 15 Eur

previously on Thursday
Specchia-Barbarano 15:00-18:00 15Eur

previously on Wednesday
Boat trip from Santa Maria di Leuca15:00-18:00 ≈ 30 Eur
Friday Patù, Vereto e aperitivo hosted by the association
4 catti
15:00-19:30 10 Eur