\[ \DeclareMathOperator{\Q}{Q} \DeclareMathOperator{\Aut}{Aut} \]

Nepal Algebra Project (NAP) / नेपाल बीज-गणित परियोजना


<<    Module - IV : June 21, 2020 – July 03, 2020, Shiv Prakash Patel and Shreedevi K. Masuti    >>
Topics: Computing Galois Groups, When is Gf contained in An? When is Gf transitive? Polynomials of degree at most three, Quartic poly-nomials, Examples of polynomials with Sp as Galois group over Q, Finite fields, Computing Galois groups over Q
Lecture Notes: Will be uploaded after the classes, stay tuned !!!
Homeworks: Will be uploaded after the classes, stay tuned !!!
Solutions: Will be uploaded after the classes, stay tuned !!!